quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2016

Summer Food

"Living in harmony with the seasons is at the core of Traditional Chinese wisdom. It was based on living in harmony with nature and one’s environment. Traditional Chinese Medicine is also a system that is rooted in prevention. Food is medicine and the ancient Chinese used food and its healing properties to build up the body when deficient, cleanse it when toxic, and release it when in excess. With these basic principles of eating with the seasons, and an awareness of the organs associated with each phase and their emotions, we can all stay healthy, strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits and live long, happy healthy lives."
Here is a list of foods that are beneficial to eat in the summer months:

Apricot  Cantaloupe,   Watermelon,   Strawberries,  Tomatoes,  Lemon,
Peach,  Cucumber,  Orange,  Asparagus,  Sprouts,  Bamboo,
Bok choy,   Broccoli ,  Chinese cabbage,  Corn, White mushroom,
Snow peas,  Spinach,  Summer squash, Watercress, Seaweed,
Mung means,  Cilantro Mint, Dill,Bitter gourd,
Mung beans, Wax gourd ,Lotus root, Lotus seed, Job’s tears,
Bean sprouts, Duck, Fish

In: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/nutrition/seasons/summer/


Na MTC , durante o Verão a nossa energia está mais exteriorizada, o Chi está mais à superficie. Como consequencia, o apetite diminui e as funções internas dos Orgãos estão mais fragilizadas, logo, recomenda-se a ingestão de sopas, alimentos de fácil digestão evitando alimentos frios ou crus. É importante a ingestão de líquidos, mas nunca frios. 

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Greatness Within

  “Protegei-me da sabedoria que não chora, da filosofia que não ri e da grandeza que não se inclina perante as crianças.”  Khalil Gibran